Toll Free no: 18005727395
Sky Green provides the full spectrum of activities covered under electronical and electronic waste management – collection of electrical and electronic waste from the door step of the generators, segregation, data destruction, dismantling of end of life equipments, size reduction, sorting in to different commodities like E-Waste, IT Waste,Oil,Battery,Wires, Glass, Plastic, iron/steel, aluminum, copper and hazardous material. Sky Green facility is located in NCR region, to carry out the above activities in Zero negative environment effect.
Sky Green bench mark of recycling is to recycle electrical and electronic waste to about 70% and 30% hazardous materials which cannot be further reused or recycled goes for scientific and secure landfill to registered landfill area to which sky green is already a member.
Sky Green conducts regular audits to ensure compliance with the environment, Health and safety standards.